City Boy. Beer & loathing in the Square Mile. Geraint Anderson
Good in places but v self indulgant. When Guy worked in that world I heard many of these stories of unadulterated greed and they still shock, the loathing of the title was all mine. What did annoy me was the author's constant harping on about how uncomfortable he found the blatant sexism in the city yet his prose his littered with unpleasant references to women; 'as likely as Dawn French winning rear of the year' 'about as sought after as a cucumber in a nunnery' etc etc etc I think he doth protest too much!

Company of Liars - Karen Maitland
Oooh, I loved this. Coming in at a close second to The Gargoyle for my book of the year. Set in England during the plague the company of liars include a pregnant woman, a deformed story teller, a misogynistic conjurer, an albino reader of runes, a scarred seller of religious icons and relics and a musician. First class story telling! It is 500+ pages but was so disappointed when it came to an end that I read all the end notes and glossary...twice!

The Household Guide to Dying - Deborah Adelaide
Sweet but not sentimental, sophisticated (ish) chicklit. A writer of household guides is dying of breast cancer and decides to write her final book, a definitive guide to dying.

Around the World in 80 dates - Jennifer Cox (True story - travelogue kind of thing)
BLEUGH! Single 30 something wants to find her soul mate, so gets her mates to set up 80 dates around the world and off she goes, in pursuit of true love. Does she find it? Well, I had to suffer the 80 tedious dates to find out so if you really want to know...

The Dare - John Boyne

The Lost Daughter Diane Chamberlain
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