Well, what can I say - this was a blast!
I was as per the previous post very nervous and somewhat disappointed to discover that Daisy Duke shorts and flip-flops with the wind in my hair were not to be permitted! In fact by the time Stuart was satisfied that I was properly attired I looked like the love child of The Michelin Man and an Oven-Ready Turkey! But it was, I stand by my earlier choice of vocabulary Janie, wicked!
The fear was quickly overtaken by exhilaration and a huge sense of freedom, not just at the speed, but at handing over control completely & utterly to someone else. My entire life is currently based around my responsibilities to other people; primarily my children but also the kids at school, work, family etc but this was all down to Stuart. I couldn't affect it in any way our speed, our safety, our route were all in Stuart's hands. Once I had got my head around that I didn't look at the speedometer, the road signs, the other traffic, I just let it happen! (During this time I discovered that the guy in front of you really can't hear a thing - so I let rip with a 'Bat out of Hell' moment and also discovered that you cannot lick the front of your visor. True!)
We met up with Janie, William, Guy and the children at Box Hill the view was breathtaking and watching The Tedster trying to walk up a hill was so funny. At 16 months his walking experience is limited and he seemed very bemused by this new 2 steps forward, 1 step back phenomenon!
I opted to ride back with Stuart and this time was more prepared - visor up, jacket open, hang on and breathe! As there is no opportunity for conversation I found myself in a curious zen like space where all sorts of weird associated ideas popped into my head. I thought a lot of my Dad who loved bikes (although embarrassingly spent most of his time in the side car.) I thought about Mike Garrett, a friend from my dim & distant past and probably the last person I clung to on the back of a bike. I made a vow there and then to visit them this year - it's been too long. I thought about what a fun thing this list has been to do and how I hope Arden remembers Mummy's year of silly things.
I bid briefly regret the visor up decision when we went VERY fast and I wondered if I was going to have a nose bleed!!!!
Why would I think that????
So, it's a very cool, zen-like, biker chick tick to number 36, and a very public thank you to Janie & Stuart, friends who I love for many, many reasons - but not least because they make special things happen. x x x
Stuart writes:
I was honoured to have the opportunity to make this happen for Judi. I sometimes take it for granted or undervalue my own skills; although I have ridden motorbikes for over 30 years I rarely carry pillion passengers these days. When I do I am acutely aware of how vulnerable they are on the back of a motorbike (me too I guess).
Judi was an excellent pillion, just as well I couldn't hear her singing!!
I was pleased that Judi chose to ride back from Box Hill on the bike, she had clearly enjoyed the ride out and I hadn't scared her. It was really rewarding to be able to do this and a nice Sunday afternoon.
Thank you Judi.
Stuart you are a gentleman :-)
Thanks Janie for being scribe.
You two are fabulous friends x x x
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