Monday, 24 November 2008

Just a number 1

OK, so this is nothing to do with 'the list' other than the fact that number 1 is to keep a blog of the year, and the momentous events which shape it, and THIS is momentous.

It begins with a surreal conversation with my 4 year old son in Woolworths;

Ben 'Matthew gets to wear pyjamas'
Me 'So do you daring'
Ben 'But Matthew can wear them all day too'
Me 'No he doesn't'
Ben 'Yes he can because he lives in a hotel'
Me 'No he doesn't - he lives with Sarah, you've been there lots of times'
Ben 'NO he really does get to live in a hotel and wear pyjamas and I only get to be Jesus' daddy!'
Me 'Say that again'
Ben 'Matthew gets....'
Me 'No not the Matthew bit - the you bit'
Ben 'I'm Jesus' Daddy'
Me 'Who said so?'
Ben 'Miss Goodson'
Me 'What EXACTLY did miss Goodson say?'
Ben' (looking perplexed) 'What I said'
Me 'Ben darling, are you going to be ....Joseph'
Ben 'Yes, but he doesn't wear pyjamas'

The rest is a blur as I was doing the happy dance around Woolworths and REALLY confusing my wee boy by saying yes to pick-a-mix and planning my opening night outfit. My boy - stepfather to the son of god - aaaaahhhhhh x

Arden put everything into perspective, in her own inimitable way, over supper when she said 'I don't know why you care so much about it when you're not even a christian you're an eggybread'!!!


Geraldo Maia said...

Hello Jude,

It is a great pleasure to visit your nice and interesting blog for the first time.
Best wishes from Brazil:

Judes said...

How nice for me having someone from Brazil reading about the minutiae of my life :-)

Thank you for dropping by!

J x

Janie said...

How bizarre!!!!
I LOVE the eggybread comment! Bless her....