Monday, 24 November 2008

The Good, the sad and the ugly!

OK, so it's Monday and that can only mean one thing WEIGH-IN DAY!

New weight __ stone 4 lbs

Weekly weight loss - 2.25 lbs

Total weight loss - 9.25 lbs

AND I had many glasses of red wine this week :-) (Must search google images for 'smug' and see what comes up) Am comfortably in a size 12 (although haven't tested this with unforgiving brand new size 12) and on my way to that size 10 dress and a perfect pair of jeans. This, for anyone who hasn't realized it, is the good!

The sad relates to the fact that yesterday marked 5 years since my Dad died, it was an absolutely hellish day resulting in me taking to my bed like an ailing Victorian heroine and sobbing into my pillow. (Nothing glamorous about this one - there was snot and drool, red eyes and running mascara, the works!) I miss my Dad dreadfully, I feel cheated that he isn't here to get to know Arden, Ben and Teddy, I know that he would adore each and everyone of them; Arden because she is so much like me, Ben for his cheeky face and get-round-you smile, and Teddy because... what's not to love? If nothing else it served as a very hard kick to get moving with phase 2 of Dad's bench. I want to sit on that bench before I'm 40 and drink champagne and think about how happy Dad would be with the view.

There isn't an ugly - just thought I'd lure you in with a snappy title!

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