Saturday, 16 May 2009

Number 28 - I didn't know, honest Gov' TICK!

OK, so this didn't actually make the original list, because well I am a soon-to-be middle aged mother of 3 (did you notice me casually slip in the MA word there, so far I haven't broken out in hives or begin to sob!) and I have my share of misdemeanors in my ill spent youth, so it wouldn't be appropriate, would it? BUT seeing as I have - well I have doctored the list accordingly :-)

A billion brownie points to anyone who spots what I swapped it for, but it wasn't one of the really hard ones and it was something I have done many times before, anyway I digress......

2 weekends ago my cats cornered a squirrel in our garden, Arden and I did the intrepid shooing away of the cats in order to let the squirrel escape up a tree.
It didn't!
It just sat making chattering noises and looking anxious. We went away giving it some privacy in which to make it's bid for freedom.
it didn't.
When the cats finally escaped they set about chasing the squirrel around the garden and the squirrel proved to be in fine physical shape but either very stupid or afraid of heights. Once again the cats were removed howling in protest and the squirrel sat on the lawn eating special K thoughtfully provided by Arden.

It was at this point that Arden suggested I pick up the squirrel to save it from the cats, with a look of absolute faith that this is something I would also want to do. So I spend some time pondering the merits of rubber gloves or very thick hiking socks on my hands and wondering if squirrels carry rabies, swime flu or The Plague whilst Arden keeps guard over Tom Tom Toby. This proves to be the turning point, now she has named the beastie I cannot possibly ignore it thus opening up the distinct possibility that Arden will find Tom Tm Toby entrails strewn across the lawn in the morning.

I approach the squirrel, socks on hands, assuming that this will be the event which sends the squirrel into flight mode and up a damn tree but NO and next thing I am racing around the garden yelling 'I've got a squirrel, I've got a squirrel NOW WHAT?' Guy, home by now, calmly brings cat box into the garden and the beastie is captive and safe.

'So, what happened next?' my lovely bridesmaid Buzz asked over a bottle of wine last Thursday.
'We took it to Wimbledon Common to release it' I replied merrily refilling our glasses.
'I'm pretty sure that's illegal' she said.
I snort my wine, pause briefly, and dismiss it with a 'nah' and note to self that Buzz is bonkers.

BUT........ a google search earlier today, threw up a plethora of information all pointing to the same fact.... releasing grey squirrels IS indeed illegal.

I draw your attention to this extract from the Wildlife&Countryside Act 1981
Once set, traps should be inspected at least once a
day. Captured squirrels should be removed
outdoors and then humanely dispatched. They can
be run into a sack and killed by a sharp blow to the
head. Alternatively, they may be shot whilst in the
cage, using a suitable weapon. Shooting should
only be undertaken by an experienced, competent
person. Care must be taken to avoid the risk of
ricochet and traps should be placed on soft ground
to reduce this hazard. Trapped squirrels should not
be drowned as this is considered to be inhumane.
Captured grey squirrels must not be released or
allowed to escape into the wild; it is illegal to do so.



Anna said...

Aeroplane. Not hard, you say.....

Judes said...

This is the weirdest thing, because I DIDN'T change it for aeroplane, I took out 'give a speech', which I have done loads of times, including just before the list kicked off at Teddy's welcome party. Soooooo, where is aeroplane? I don't remember changing the original list before this point but getting on an aeroplane was on there. Am currently investigating!