So, I spent the night of my 40th birthday quaffing champagne, admiring my twinkling bracelet, briefly rolling on the floor in agony (but that's another story) and watching episodes 141-144 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
At 11.23pm I saw Sunnydale crumble to dust (oops sorry SPOILER) thereby closing the hellmouth and releasing Buffy from her destiny to be
the Chosen One.
[no longer to] stand alone against the vampires, the demons,
and the forces of darkness.
I feel a bit bereft now that it's over, and I need to mull a bit on the ending itself.
So here goes, donning my Captain Contentious for a moment I'l tell you what I think happened;
Buffy orchestrates and creates the final episodes to ensure that she relinquishes all her responsibilities and personal ties;
She attempts to send Dawn away with Xander
Xander loses an eye and his ex fiancee in order to keep him unattached & focused on Dawn
She rejects Giles as a figure of authority
She says a final Goodbye to Angel and kills off Spike
She returns Faith to the fold
She creates a relationship for Willow and changes her from uber witch to Goddess
She destroys Sunnydale (the world she created) and everything in it blocking up the hellmouth
So that she can return to her family. Giving up her slayer alter-ego and fighting her real mental demons.
When asked 'What will you do now Buffy?' she simply smiles enigmatically and if we were to cut away to a mental institution somewhere in LA, I think a damaged, schizophrenic teen would be opening her eyes and calling for her Mommy. I hark back of course to Episode 17 - Series 6.
Now, this of course means nothing to most of you, but is it enough to drive you out of lurkdom with a comment Mr Rider?
Anyway enough, it's over.
Buffy? Seen it!