Sunday 13 September 2009

Number 23 - Vehicular tick!

I'm doing it!!! I'm really doing it!!!
Days I never thought I'd see number 23 :-)

With a big thank you to;
Annabelle for forcing the issue and hosting 'Learning to ride day' at her house.
The young bloke in the bike shop who didn't smirk at selling a bike to a 30something yr old woman who couldn't test 'drive' it.
Guy who didn't suggest running behind me holding onto the saddle.
Arden & Ben who shouted encouragingly 'Good Job Mummy' as they rode effortlessly around the park.
The visitors to South Park Gardens who leapt out of my way.
The nice man in the cravat who gave me the last piece of the jigsaw.

It's not elegant but if the hounds of hell were baying at my heels and there was a bike close to hand I could now save myself!

1 comment:

Janie said...

Oh, well done that woman - very proud of you!!!